Sunday, December 27, 2009

by the way...

"I know what you're going through is really tough. With all this stress from your family and friends and just this world around you. So heavily influenced and bombarded by media and hollywood. I know it's hard to really live out your faith to your friends because you are afraid that you may loose that friendship, that people will look at you differently, and that you won't be able to just fit it anymore. I know the troubles that you are going through and the constant temptations from satan. And I know it's hard to really fight against the ways of this world.

But know that I walked on water. Know that I healed the crippled. Know that I gave sight to the blind. Know that I created the heavens and the earth with my fingers. Know that you were created fearfully and wonderfully. Know that I crushed satan under your feet. Know that you are not alone. Know that I am the beginning and the end. Know that my love never fails. Know that my goodness and faithfulness never dies. Know that these hands are holding your heart. Know that I was crucified on the cross. Know that I was tortured and that I died the perfect death in hopes that you may spend eternity with me. Know that I am the King of Kings. Know that I am your God and you are my child. Know that I love you.

I am the Lord, and that is my name. I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. I will not let the wicked go unpunished. I will not let satan rise to his feet. I will not let you be tempted more than you can bear. I will not leave you nor forsake you. I will not abandon you in a place without refreshing joy. I will not withhold good from you. I am the Lord, and that is my name.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart...I have overcome the world.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

something new

It's so hard, I mean love, not life. You can have life and not have love but you cannot have love without life. Because to really live is to love and to really love is to live. Everyone choice you make there are two things that happen. The first is that whatever choice you make will speak of your allegiance and alignment with God or satan. And the second is that your decision will either bring you closer or further away from God. Whether the situation is big or small, these things will result from whatever choice you make. And it is so hard to see which decision is best especially when it comes to love. Love with God, first love, falling in love, love with bestfriends. Because with love, reasoning begins to fade and emotions, feelings, and hearts begin to dominate the ground. So now, not only do you have to juggle with your emotions and feelings but also with your faith and relationship with God. And we start to think and ponder on countless questions about different situations concerning love. "I like this girl but should I wait? What am I suppose to do God? Well I really feel like this. But how does she feel? What does God want me to do right now? Am I ready? God, do you think I'm ready? God are you still listening?..." And sometimes you think about these things and end up putting them aside and continuing on with whatever you are doing. And sometimes you just can't stop thinking about these things. I don't know if Adam and Eve had the same kind of problem or struggle back in the garden. And there are so many more questions and different scenarios that you make up in your imaginative mind. Like you meeting the perfect guy at some romantic place and you two start to attend the same bible study group and can fill in the rest. Ponder, and think, and imagine what it would be like in the future. And then you look at where you are at right now and can't wait for that moment. You see all these things passing on around you, people getting together, marrying, having a family, and sometimes you feel alone and behind. Media has set a standard for you and has given you a guideline on how to do love and relationships. And you might have gotten past that and thrown this whole media influence aside and placed God's way of love and doing relationship before your life. But it can still be so hard sometimes just in waiting and hoping to meet someone. Because after all that's what we are made for. To be with someone and to be with God. We weren't made to be alone. But more questions, more thinking, more pondering, more imagining...

But He did everything that needed to be done. To the last drop of His precious blood, He hung on the tree. As we stand on a broken bridge over a raging sea, He held it up as He died on the cross.
Love encountered the cross so that through the cross we may encounter love.

You might still struggle with the waiting and how you view relationships and your love with God. You probably want more than just "pray about it. Read the bible." You probably want more of a three point guideline on how to do love and how to not feel so lonely as you wait. And you probably have figured out by now that I don't have any advice for you. But I do believe that God has just told you what you need to do right now, whatever it is. Whether it is to pray, to read the bible, to talk about it with someone else. God has just put in you new love. And this love is pointing at what is going to come for you--to meet a beautiful warrior-bride or a godly man who is madly in Love with Jesus. This new refreshing joy and love that you feel right now is just a hint of what has yet to come. God is just showing you a piece of what He has in store for you!

Friday, December 11, 2009

are you for sure now?

We are like raindrops. We fall away from heaven and splash on this world full of stuff. Full of media and crap, full of deceit and honor, full of love and beauty. Some of us end up staying on this earth. And some end up in the sky, apart from this world. But one day the Son of God will come back in all of His glory, and whether you are attached to the ground or in the sky, every knee will bow to Him and every tongue will swear allegiance.

God see's that you are making excuses about this and that. Before it was "I just accepted Jesus, I'm still a young believer." "It's gonna take time" "I'm having doubts" "I don't have as much faith as other people." But know your struggles has become an excuse to get you out of conviction and out of work. You have become lazy in your walk with God and your relationship with Him is slowly sliding away. It's time to make a choice of whether you want in or not. If you don't even really want this, then stop pretending in front of people that you do. But if you want in, then make that choice and start to follow Him and obey Him- no turning back, give your all this time. It doesn't mean you aren't going to have struggles or temptations, and it doesn't mean you're not going to stumble and disobey God at times. But it does mean that your heart is pointed towards Heaven and that you have given it to Jesus.
I know things are hard for you right now but you are a prince and princess of the King of Kings. You have the same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead! That same Spirit lives inside of you. You have power and authority over satan and you are called to trample over him. God will crush satan under your feet and He will make satan a footstool for you. Get up! Pick up your sword and shield and start fighting alongside with Jesus. You are royalty! You have destiny! You are going to shape history!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Lately at church I've been talking about the true meaning and purpose of Jesus' ministry while He was on earth. Why He did the things He did like teaching at the synagogues, healing the sick, challenging the Pharisees, teaching the word of God, and even dying on the cross. And it was all because He wanted to show that He and the Father was and is real and that more importantly His Love for His creation and children is real. And so Jesus told the disciples of how they saw what He did and why He came and told them to do the same. Somewhere along the next two thousand years the word Christian has become that to describe someone who believes in God, one who reads the Bible, one who attends church, or one who does good things. All these are great and do describe a Christian. But there is something missing. Just as prophesying and understanding all the mysteries but have not loved is like a bunch of noise with no meaning or life, all these descriptions about Christianity are good but without the most important element's just religion. I know many people across the country say that it's all about a relationship with God and that is definitely true. It is about a person's relationship with God. But if all we do is talk about loving God and God's love for us, and if all we do is feel amazed by His everlasting and cray love, but we walk around the homeless, look away from the broken and lost, and keep our love closed when those whom we find hard to love stand before us...then we are definitely missing something. In first John it talks about how we can't see God physically but we do feel His love when we love others.

I always had this thought that I could just get away from all these people and their worldly influence on me and just feel God's love. But I realized that it is the very people that God places in my life whether they are hateful, loving, slanderous, honest, outgoing, shy, humble, proud, or whatever it is, that God will use to show His love to me through these people. When I choose to not gossip about someone, God's love is made complete in me. When I choose to talk to the homosexual and pray for them, God's love is being shown. When I choose to see a girl as God's daughter and a princess of the King of Kings, God's love is being poured out.
Our hearts are like a cup that can be filled with God's perfect Love. And when we ask Him to fill us with His love, He can pour it into our cups. God can definitely fill our cups directly from Him. But here's the thing: God loves to fill a person's cup using the love He poured in another person's cup. If there was a person who was broken and depressed and he really needs the Love of God, God can obviously pour out His love over that person. But He would rather have another person's cup who is filled with His love, and pour that perfect love into the cup of the broken and depressed.

And this is what a Christian is all about. Receiving God's love and having an intimate relationship with Him. And then go out and start pouring this love that is in our cups into those who need it. And the crazy thing is that this love never runs out! Every time you pour out some Love from your cup into someone else, the Love that's in your cup fills up even more. It's like a candle. Just because you give some of your fire to someone else doesn't mean you lose some. God is calling out a people to show His love and to walk in His love, not just to talk about it and understand it.

Stop talking about Jesus' Love.
Let's start to walk in His Love and to live in His LOVE!

Monday, November 16, 2009

wait for her

I've been thinking about something a lot lately. More like everyday for the past months or so. And it's about this girl; I haven't met her, don't know her name, or how she looks like. But I've been having such a longing to be with someone who I can walk together alongside with Jesus. Someone who I can grow spiritually together with. And just talking to God about this brings so much excitement to me. But I think about so many of my friends and people that I know and don't know that are being enslaved to what this world defines as a love-relationship; that it is about buying nice, sweet things for the other person, talking on the phone for hours, writing letters to each other. These things are not bad or wrong at all. But something that is missing is true love. And true-love only comes from God: a love that is selfless, unconditional, pure, and everlasting. Without both persons abiding in God's love, their relationship will soon collapse.
People who do not abide in God's love but rather rely on the love of the other person is like trying to build a bridge with no supporting structures. Each day the gap between them becomes wider and wider and they build the bridge longer and longer in order to keep their relationship. But soon the bridge becomes to heavy and cannot support those who are on it (their relationships with relatives and friends and those around them), and the bridge cannot even support itself any longer--until it eventually breaks and falls.
But the biggest breakup in all of this isn't when a person ends a relationship with another person. It is when that person realizes that they weren't abiding in God's love this whole time and wasn't genuinely seeking His love; they realize this...but they still seek another relationship without God's true Love. God is saying "Ok, I know you messed up in that relationship because you didn't truly want my Love and you didn't want to listen to what I want. But now I want to show you how amazing my love can be and I want you to fall in love with me."

After Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, how desperate were they to get back in the garden: to talk to God face to face again and to feel the freedom of His Love? God see's what you see in a love-relationship. He doesn't want you to see that a relationship is partially about loving God or partially about being a Christian and talking about Jesus sometimes with the other person. It isn't about what the movies say or the music that you listen to. You need to ask God to help you change the way you see a love-relationship. Do not listen or give into the lives of satan.

I see you walking with your future partner on the beach. It's such a beautiful day and you are in love with her. But you two are not talking about how great your date was or how pretty she looks. You are thanking God so much that you can't even find the words to describe how thankful you are that God has put someone so beautiful and Godly as the person walking next to you. And before you drop her off at her house you aren't giving her a kiss. Instead you are holding her hands and praying for her. Praying that she will continue to remain in God's love and for spiritual protection over her. This is just a glimpse of what God is showing you in your future relationship and it is going to be so wonderful and amazing. So don't settle for just any girl or any relationship. Keep seeking God and keep loving Him and loving others even those whom you find hard to love. Take these word's as a hope for a healthy, godly, and true relationship that you will have. Be patient as you wait. She is also waiting!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

park. blind. healing.

I was praying in my room Friday night for the prayer meeting the following day. And as I was praying, God gave me the words park, blind, and healing. I was pretty excited to hear blind and healing because that would be awesome to see someone get healed from blindness. And so on Saturday we went on our prayer walk around the neighborhood. I was grouped with my aunt and my friend Hannah. We prayed for the houses on one street and as we moved on to the second street, the first house we came upon had a sign that said, blind dog. Hannah and I got pretty excited and even though the paper on the front door was talking about a blind dog and not a blind man and nobody was home, we still prayed over the house. After we finished praying for that street, we were walking back down to our church. And as we were walking, Hannah asked me what was the other word that God gave me. And I said "park, but I don't know why God showed me park." And Hanna pointed out that there was a park right across our church! I don't know why, but I totally forgot that there was a park there. It was closed and nobody was in there but we decided that we can still pray over it. So we walked alongside the park. After I finished praying we saw a woman walking towards us. And I told Hannah that maybe God showed me park so that we could talk to her and pray for her. And so when she came up to us, we gave a simple hi and asked how she was doing. She said she was doing good and started to walk away. But just as she was walking away, the holy Spirit speaks to Hannah and tells her to say "Dios le bendiga" which means God bless you. And from there, the work of God continued. She was surprised that Hannah knew how to speak Spanish though not much. We continued to talk and asked if we could pray for her. Before we prayed Hannah asked her if she had any problems with her eyes and she said yes, I have to wear glasses. And right then, I knew that the word's God gave me the night before were a confirmation to what He was going to do that day. We started to pray for her and asked God for a healing for her eyes. As we prayed she started to cry and prayed along in Spanish. Hannah even told me that when she placed her hand on the woman's shoulder, she could feel her shaking. It was definitely the presence of God flowing through her. On that Saturday afternoon next to the park, Heaven invaded earth.

God sees the anger inside of you and He wants you to let go of that anger you have for you sister despite what she has done or said to you. He wants you to feel His peace and joy. Ask God to help you let go of your anger and ask Him for His peace to fill you up.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

what's on the agenda?

God has taught me so much since the last time a blogged. He has been faithful to me and has poured blessing after blessing upon me. And He has been showing me new things and revealing new mysteries from Heaven. One thing he He has taught me that changed my relationship drastically is His agenda and mine. See, for so many years as a Christian, I've been taught to surrender to God's will in everything I do and that He should have total control of my life and decision making and that dreams that I want to pursue. But this lifestyle is that of a master and a servant. God actually has something else in mind. Jesus said, "I no longer call you servants because a servant does not know his master's business." That doesn't mean we no longer become servants in serving God, but it does mean that our desires and dreams matter to God. So many Christians including me, are afraid to come before God and tell Him our dreams and what we think because we get this idea that God will do it His way all the time no matter what we think or say because His will is above ours. Which is somewhat true because even Jesus prayed in the garden and asked God "if it is possible, take this cup from me but not my will, but your will be done." Yet there are stories throughout the Bible that show how God's decisions were changed because of men. For example, when Moses came back down from the mountain, he saw all the people worshiping a golden calf. And God became furious and said that He will pour out His wrath and anger upon them and wipe all of them out. He told Moses, "I have seen these people, and they are a stiff-necked people. Not leave me alone so that my anger may burn against them and that I may destroy them. Then I will make you(Moses) a great nation." But Moses responded, "Why should your anger burn against your people, whom you brought out of Egypt with great power and a mighty hand? Why should the Egyptians say, 'It was with evil intent that he brought them out, to kill them in the mountains and to wipe them off the face of the earth'? Turn from your fierce anger; relent and do not bring disaster on your people. Remember your covenant with Abraham? How you promised to make His a great nation and that He will have as many descendants as the number of stars in the sky?" And so God's response..."Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.
You see, the mind of God was changed. He was so angry that He wanted to destroy to very people that He delivered. But Moses brought his opinion to God and God relented, or softened His anger. I am not saying that our will and agenda is above or even the same as God's agenda. But what I am saying is that we should first surrender to God's agenda and plans. And once we do that, God will say "Ok, now that you have chosen to follow my agenda and plans for you, let me see what you have in mind." Many of us got the first part in surrendering to God's will, but if we stop there, then we are only servants to God. Jesus wants us to be servants to the King of Kings but also to be His friend.
It's like this: there was a man who lived in a giant house. And he had a servant who helped him take care of his house. Now the man will not call the servant up for private personal business or ask him to join his family meetings or to help him make important business or financial decisions. The servant may know the master's hobbies, favorite dessert, movie, or how he likes his pillows fluffed. But the servant won't know the heart of the master. But the master's friend who always visits him and plays golf with him every weekend will know what his heart is feeling and what he wants to do in his life.
We shouldn't be just servants and we shouldn't be just friends and not following the agenda God has. We need to be both! Serving God and surrendering to His agenda first, and then bring up our desires and opinions. God doesn't lack ideas. But he loves our participation! He wants to hear what you have in mind. So don't be afraid to tell God, "Hey I really want move there to do missions instead of staying here and be a pastor." or "God, I really want to be with this person." Maybe God had something else in mind, but He still wants to hear what is in your heart. God made himself vulnerable to the dreams and desires of His people. He isn't weak just because He made Himself vulnerable but He is desperate for an intimate relationship with you. He could have not made Himself vulnerable to the desires of His people and just remain at a master-servant relationship. But He wanted more between us. He wanted a friend to friend relationship as well!

God wants me to blog about this because He sees how you are living your faith. You haven't been bringing your opinions or wants to God because you figured "if it is God's will all the time, why even bother telling Him what I think." But God wants you to know that He really treasures want you think. That's why He created a heart inside of you to have desires and a mind to have opinions. He didn't create microchips or remote controlled receivers inside of you. Don't be afraid anymore to come before God and start talking about what you have in mind. First, surrender to His agenda. And then bring your agenda to God. Once you start seeing and understanding this, your relationship with Jesus will explode!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

where You go I go

I don't know what to say but thank you Jesus for everything! On Thursday I went to evangelize and so we did our usual thing: walking around the court yard and talking to people and showing them God's love. And so I was walking by this woman who was sitting on the concrete sitting area, or whatever it's called. And I just felt this strong pull to talk to her. She looked like she was in her early forties and from somewhere in Europe. But I just kept walking around near her and sitting down near her once in a while but couldn't find the courage to talk to her. And so finally I went up to my leader and asked him to pray for a release of boldness. And right when he prayed that I just felt so much courage and boldness that I walked straight up to her and started to talk to her. I didn't even know what I was doing or saying, I just started to talk. I asked her if she was taking class here and where she was from and all that stuff. And she finally asked "what do you want?" It didn't really startle me because I mean who just walks up to random people in a school they don't go to and try to talk about life and all? But I said that I just felt God really telling me to talk to her and so I asked her if she had any problems with her physical health that I could pray for and if she had any family, school, work problems. She was a very nice and wonderful woman and she told me about how she moves here from I think it was Yugoslavia, and about her family and she also said she had some leg pains. And I was just like awesome! I'm gonna pray for that! And so she left and I could feel the presence of God fall on her.
The next crazy thing that happened that night is that we prayed for healing for this woman at my church. She had a problem with her spinal cord disk where it was pinching her nerves and causing a lot of pain from her lower pack to her right ankle. And fire just fell from heaven and shot down her body and a spirit of peace and rest was released on her and for the past two days so far, she has been sleeping a lot better! Glory to God!
Friday night I had the chance to speak to my youth group. I spoke about the presence of the Spirit and how we need to do God's will: bringing heaven down to earth. I saw fire in one guy because his heart was just burning for God's desires. And a girl was convicted and changed by Jesus. It's just so awesome to see the people you hang with and grow up with grow in their faith and trust and love in their Saviour.
Tonight was off the hook! Blessing and joy were being poured out. I met up with my cousin and my friend at starbucks to talk about the living God. After, I just felt an urge to bless starbucks and the people inside it. It was crazy! Like even after we left, I kept getting pictures of starbucks in my head and a word of knowledge came to me to just bless that place. That place is gonna get blasted!

strawberry. dizzy. rain. mean anything to you?

Friday, September 11, 2009


I now understand that verse about love. If I prophesy and heal and can fathom all mysteries but have not loved, I am nothing and I gain nothing. Last week I prayed for this guy who was on crutches. My cousin and I prayed for healing on his ankle and basically his whole leg. After the prayer he just had this sense that nothing happened. Maybe it was his lack of faith or it was a progressive healing. But God taught me that if I can heal this man but didn't love him like Jesus did, then I gain nothing and I am nothing. And so this week when I talked to another man, I asked God that I would just love him. I was sharing my faith and he was telling me his faith in buddhism. And part of me was like- I don't want to come in too hard and start throwing scriptures, so I'll respect him and just say the basic things about my faith and not try to talk about hell and his sins and all. And some might say that I shouldn't soften or make the gospel all pretty looking and nice. But I just tried to increase my love for him so that I will gain. If I presented the gospel but have not love, I am nothing.
God truly showed His love for me tonight while I was in my room. Dwelling in His presence and having Him speak to me is just the most amazing thing. And tonight I can say that I encountered the living God. And He blessed me and gave me prophetic words and healing. The glory of God was burning in my room.

Mountains. Blue. Red. Fire. J
I see you climbing a mountain. And you just have this heavy, heavy backpack, and you don't really know why you're hiking up this hill. God wants you know that you're looking at the wrong place for truth. You're trying so hard to pursue truth but the real Truth, Jesus Christ, is waiting for you. Your heart isn't like a lake. It is a river where the Holy Spirit enters inside of you and comes out to do supernatural things like healing and prophesying and seeing things in dreams. You kinda know the truth and all the Bible stories but the greatest truth is right inside of you. Let Jesus teach you and let him guide you. Come down from that mountain and let God's light burn a fire inside of you. He wants to show you things that you have never seen before. He wants to tell you things that you have never heard before. He wants to let you feel things that you have never felt before. Blue and red makes purple. God's showing me purple because He wants you to know that you are royalty. That you are a prince of the Kingdom of Heaven. Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young in faith, but set an example by the things you say, the way you live, the purity that you seek, the way you love, and the faith, though small right now, that can move mountains. Don't climb these mountains that lead you nowhere. Start moving mountains and show people that He is God and that you are his son and coheir with Christ. You are royalty! Lift up your head right now. Don't bow your head. Just stand up. I release blessing and a peace on you in Jesus' name. I bind any fear and false teachings inside and around you. And I release boldness, strength, and truth in Jesus' name. Do you hear a sound? It's the sound of Heaven invading earth!

Monday, August 24, 2009

if you can?!

I was just reading a passage from Mark 9 about the healing of a boy with an evil spirit. So Jesus sees a man arguing with the disciples because the man's son is possessed by an evil spirit and the disciples couldn't drive the spirit out. Jesus tells them to bring the boy to him and so they do. As soon as the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion (basically like a seizure) and the boy fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this?" The man told Jesus, "From childhood. It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." I found Jesus' reply pretty funny. Jesus said, " 'If you can'?! Everything is possible for him who believes." I can just see Jesus' expression. He's probably saying in his mind 'Of course I can do anything! Who do you think I am?' But this next part really stood out to me. Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" And the story goes on and Jesus casts the spirit out.
When Jesus told the man that everything is possible if he believes, the man's response was a desperate one. One of faith and trust and also love. He puts his faith in Jesus and says "I do believe" But then he puts his trust in Jesus and asks him to help him overcome his unbelief. See, the man knew that in his heart there was unbelief in Jesus power. Yet the man was willing to ask Jesus for help. It shows that he has a hungry, desperate and humble heart for Jesus. He didn't say "I do believe, but only if you heal my son first." This guy was totally desiring Jesus' love because he realized that he really didn't have a trusting relationship with Jesus.

Are you like this man who is desperate for God and wants him to help you overcome your unbelief?

Friday, August 21, 2009

a rush of blessing

I was in the bathroom last week and I got this revelation from God. Ha ha yeah, weird place to get a revelation. But it was so awesome. It just jumped into my head and all of a sudden I get this crazy idea to plan an event for my church. And there were so many different ideas and activities God showed me and I know it's just going to be an amazing event where God will totally change lives and transform the hearts of those who are hungry for Him.

Today I went to the weekly prayer meeting I always go to. And we decided a few weeks ago that we're going to go to Mt Sac college to evangelize and pour out God's love to His people. So we met up at a church to pray before we went out. And I felt so much peace as we were praying. Just the feeling of being loved by the God of the makes my heart smile. And God is so funny sometimes. Just the things he does with people who are willing to be used by him. We went over to the college but since class doesn't start until next week, we just went around and prayed. And we poured out blessings over the place. The first thing I cam upon was the blue emergency post with the blue light on top. I blessed it and God showed me this girl who is like being chased by someone and is running to this emergency post. But the thing she was running away from wasn't just a guy, it was like all these things and problems and conflicts in her life. Its consuming her and eating her away and she just wants to find some hope because she's in a spiritual emergency.
And then I prayed over the stair rail and the hallway on the second floor. I prayed that when people touch it and walk through it, they will suddenly feel this peace and awakening from God. But the crazy thing was that right after I prayed over the hallway, I felt this sudden pull from God and He told me 'green sign, healing.' And so I left the hallway to search for a green sign. In that whole area there was only one green sign. So I knew it was the one. The sign was on a door so I prayed over it. I prayed that God will send His healing upon that door and the mat I was standing on. It was so strong and I was so certain that this was what God wanted that I knew for sure that the next person who walks through that door will be healed of any pain or sickness or disease. If that person is in a wheel chair, he will get up and walk. If he is mute, he will speak and if he has cancer, it will be destroyed in Jesus' name.

I guess you have to be that crazy to go out to a college at nine at night where there is not a single person, only to walk around and pray over things like a chair or a telephone booth or even a vending machine. Why would someone do something like that? Pray that a tree will be blessed or that a drinking fountain will be filled with healing. Who would seriously do something like that? I guess we're just so in love with God that we're willing to do some pretty crazy things for him. A guy left his bible there because he had faith that God will use that bible to touch some one's life. A pool was prayed over because there was faith that God will heal the relationships of the next man who swims in that water. You'll never know what God wants you to do. Whether to just go to church and pray or leave all your stuff and just take the next flight to the middle of no where and wait for a guy wearing red with a black cap to come by because you're suppose to pray for him. But are you so hungry for God that you'll do whatever it takes to encounter His love? Are you that desperate for His love that you are willing to give up everything you have and follow Him? The world doesn't need more jobs or more money. They don't need medicine or education or a better place to live. This world needs the Love of their creator. Are you that in Love with God that you are so desperate to reach out and love those around you? Will you die trying to save your life, or will you die trying to save a life of someone else?

I feel that you're trying to run away from God. Despite all the signs and voices around you, you still ignore them. And it's because of what happened at your church. You feel separated and distant now. And you feel that you don't belong there anymore because you think you have been abandoned. That God didn't come through for you. But He doesn't want you to run from Him anymore. He sees that your heart is broken and that your feet are sore from walking. He wants you to run back to Him so He can hold you in His arms again. The pain you feel and the constant trampling over your emotions, He wants to heal. God just showed me a star. I asked God why He showed me that. And He said that you're like a star. And He wants you the shine bright again and burn with a passion and Love for Him and for others. And not only that, but that your light will guide others to His amazing Love. For so long you have been a dim star slowly fading away. But God doesn't want that. He sees you as His bright and shining daughter. The God who created trillions of stars also created you. And He loves you with everything that He has. Turn back to Him when you hear your name being called by Him.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

my first blog

So I started my first blog! I started this blog because I feel that God wants to use me to speak to other people. And if you're reading this, you're not reading it by accident but because God wants to show you something and it will affect you in someway. I can blog about me going to the bathroom and running out of toilet paper or how I had a headache in the morning, but what I write is what I feel God wants me to write to you.

Last night I had the chance to play for the worship team at the Agape church in Pomona. I thought it was going to be just a regular typical worship service. But it was actually a closing ceremony for the youths there. They just finished a two week training/ evangelizing event and last night was to congratulate them. And there were about 35 youths who went through the two weeks of encountering God and reaching out to people around the cities. Seven hundred and eighty. That is how many souls were saved during the past two weeks! How awesome is that! But the most crazy part to me was that the youngest in that youth group was only 12. She was definitely nervous and afraid but she still obeyed Jesus' great commission especially his first word. GO. And that's what I feel: that so many followers of God know the bible and His commandments. But so many fail to just go and seek the lost and to pour out Love to those dying of depression and hopelessness.

I know you are going through something that is scarring your heart. And the pain sometimes seem unbearable. But God really wants you to know that your relationship with your father is hurting Him as much as it is hurting you. And He does not want you to take this pain on yourself. The things you are turning to won't give you security or true love. He's crying out to you to come back to Him. He is desperate for you and you will know soon. Because He is going to reveal His crazy Love upon you in such a way that you will fall to your knees and cry out to Him. He is in love with you and he wants you to be in love with Him.

"And the Lord saieth unto thee, 'Go, and tell her that I love her: Stand up my daughter. Your daddy is here'."