Sunday, October 25, 2009

park. blind. healing.

I was praying in my room Friday night for the prayer meeting the following day. And as I was praying, God gave me the words park, blind, and healing. I was pretty excited to hear blind and healing because that would be awesome to see someone get healed from blindness. And so on Saturday we went on our prayer walk around the neighborhood. I was grouped with my aunt and my friend Hannah. We prayed for the houses on one street and as we moved on to the second street, the first house we came upon had a sign that said, blind dog. Hannah and I got pretty excited and even though the paper on the front door was talking about a blind dog and not a blind man and nobody was home, we still prayed over the house. After we finished praying for that street, we were walking back down to our church. And as we were walking, Hannah asked me what was the other word that God gave me. And I said "park, but I don't know why God showed me park." And Hanna pointed out that there was a park right across our church! I don't know why, but I totally forgot that there was a park there. It was closed and nobody was in there but we decided that we can still pray over it. So we walked alongside the park. After I finished praying we saw a woman walking towards us. And I told Hannah that maybe God showed me park so that we could talk to her and pray for her. And so when she came up to us, we gave a simple hi and asked how she was doing. She said she was doing good and started to walk away. But just as she was walking away, the holy Spirit speaks to Hannah and tells her to say "Dios le bendiga" which means God bless you. And from there, the work of God continued. She was surprised that Hannah knew how to speak Spanish though not much. We continued to talk and asked if we could pray for her. Before we prayed Hannah asked her if she had any problems with her eyes and she said yes, I have to wear glasses. And right then, I knew that the word's God gave me the night before were a confirmation to what He was going to do that day. We started to pray for her and asked God for a healing for her eyes. As we prayed she started to cry and prayed along in Spanish. Hannah even told me that when she placed her hand on the woman's shoulder, she could feel her shaking. It was definitely the presence of God flowing through her. On that Saturday afternoon next to the park, Heaven invaded earth.

God sees the anger inside of you and He wants you to let go of that anger you have for you sister despite what she has done or said to you. He wants you to feel His peace and joy. Ask God to help you let go of your anger and ask Him for His peace to fill you up.

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