Saturday, September 19, 2009

where You go I go

I don't know what to say but thank you Jesus for everything! On Thursday I went to evangelize and so we did our usual thing: walking around the court yard and talking to people and showing them God's love. And so I was walking by this woman who was sitting on the concrete sitting area, or whatever it's called. And I just felt this strong pull to talk to her. She looked like she was in her early forties and from somewhere in Europe. But I just kept walking around near her and sitting down near her once in a while but couldn't find the courage to talk to her. And so finally I went up to my leader and asked him to pray for a release of boldness. And right when he prayed that I just felt so much courage and boldness that I walked straight up to her and started to talk to her. I didn't even know what I was doing or saying, I just started to talk. I asked her if she was taking class here and where she was from and all that stuff. And she finally asked "what do you want?" It didn't really startle me because I mean who just walks up to random people in a school they don't go to and try to talk about life and all? But I said that I just felt God really telling me to talk to her and so I asked her if she had any problems with her physical health that I could pray for and if she had any family, school, work problems. She was a very nice and wonderful woman and she told me about how she moves here from I think it was Yugoslavia, and about her family and she also said she had some leg pains. And I was just like awesome! I'm gonna pray for that! And so she left and I could feel the presence of God fall on her.
The next crazy thing that happened that night is that we prayed for healing for this woman at my church. She had a problem with her spinal cord disk where it was pinching her nerves and causing a lot of pain from her lower pack to her right ankle. And fire just fell from heaven and shot down her body and a spirit of peace and rest was released on her and for the past two days so far, she has been sleeping a lot better! Glory to God!
Friday night I had the chance to speak to my youth group. I spoke about the presence of the Spirit and how we need to do God's will: bringing heaven down to earth. I saw fire in one guy because his heart was just burning for God's desires. And a girl was convicted and changed by Jesus. It's just so awesome to see the people you hang with and grow up with grow in their faith and trust and love in their Saviour.
Tonight was off the hook! Blessing and joy were being poured out. I met up with my cousin and my friend at starbucks to talk about the living God. After, I just felt an urge to bless starbucks and the people inside it. It was crazy! Like even after we left, I kept getting pictures of starbucks in my head and a word of knowledge came to me to just bless that place. That place is gonna get blasted!

strawberry. dizzy. rain. mean anything to you?

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