Sunday, December 27, 2009

by the way...

"I know what you're going through is really tough. With all this stress from your family and friends and just this world around you. So heavily influenced and bombarded by media and hollywood. I know it's hard to really live out your faith to your friends because you are afraid that you may loose that friendship, that people will look at you differently, and that you won't be able to just fit it anymore. I know the troubles that you are going through and the constant temptations from satan. And I know it's hard to really fight against the ways of this world.

But know that I walked on water. Know that I healed the crippled. Know that I gave sight to the blind. Know that I created the heavens and the earth with my fingers. Know that you were created fearfully and wonderfully. Know that I crushed satan under your feet. Know that you are not alone. Know that I am the beginning and the end. Know that my love never fails. Know that my goodness and faithfulness never dies. Know that these hands are holding your heart. Know that I was crucified on the cross. Know that I was tortured and that I died the perfect death in hopes that you may spend eternity with me. Know that I am the King of Kings. Know that I am your God and you are my child. Know that I love you.

I am the Lord, and that is my name. I will not give my glory to another or my praise to idols. I will not let the wicked go unpunished. I will not let satan rise to his feet. I will not let you be tempted more than you can bear. I will not leave you nor forsake you. I will not abandon you in a place without refreshing joy. I will not withhold good from you. I am the Lord, and that is my name.

In this world you will have trouble. But take heart...I have overcome the world.


  1. omygoodness.
    you know whats so crazy weird??
    i was reading John last night, and how Jesus was comforting his disciples and he told them, "Take heart! I have overcome the world!"

    and as i was dwelling upon this precious truth, i felt god telling me the same thing-- "I (Jesus) have overcome the world. There is nothing in this life or in this world that will deter you or bring you down. I have conquered and i am victorious. Why do you fear the world when I have conquered it? do you not know that I am Lord of Lords?"

    and man.... I felt so overjoyed at his simple phrase, "i have overcome the world" because it touched me so personally.

    and its crazy cool that i read it on your blogspot too! :D
    god is soo good.

    btw, how are you??!

  2. hahah thats awesome! God is definitely good!

    im doing great. lot of stuff going on. ill tell you all about next time!
