Monday, November 16, 2009

wait for her

I've been thinking about something a lot lately. More like everyday for the past months or so. And it's about this girl; I haven't met her, don't know her name, or how she looks like. But I've been having such a longing to be with someone who I can walk together alongside with Jesus. Someone who I can grow spiritually together with. And just talking to God about this brings so much excitement to me. But I think about so many of my friends and people that I know and don't know that are being enslaved to what this world defines as a love-relationship; that it is about buying nice, sweet things for the other person, talking on the phone for hours, writing letters to each other. These things are not bad or wrong at all. But something that is missing is true love. And true-love only comes from God: a love that is selfless, unconditional, pure, and everlasting. Without both persons abiding in God's love, their relationship will soon collapse.
People who do not abide in God's love but rather rely on the love of the other person is like trying to build a bridge with no supporting structures. Each day the gap between them becomes wider and wider and they build the bridge longer and longer in order to keep their relationship. But soon the bridge becomes to heavy and cannot support those who are on it (their relationships with relatives and friends and those around them), and the bridge cannot even support itself any longer--until it eventually breaks and falls.
But the biggest breakup in all of this isn't when a person ends a relationship with another person. It is when that person realizes that they weren't abiding in God's love this whole time and wasn't genuinely seeking His love; they realize this...but they still seek another relationship without God's true Love. God is saying "Ok, I know you messed up in that relationship because you didn't truly want my Love and you didn't want to listen to what I want. But now I want to show you how amazing my love can be and I want you to fall in love with me."

After Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden, how desperate were they to get back in the garden: to talk to God face to face again and to feel the freedom of His Love? God see's what you see in a love-relationship. He doesn't want you to see that a relationship is partially about loving God or partially about being a Christian and talking about Jesus sometimes with the other person. It isn't about what the movies say or the music that you listen to. You need to ask God to help you change the way you see a love-relationship. Do not listen or give into the lives of satan.

I see you walking with your future partner on the beach. It's such a beautiful day and you are in love with her. But you two are not talking about how great your date was or how pretty she looks. You are thanking God so much that you can't even find the words to describe how thankful you are that God has put someone so beautiful and Godly as the person walking next to you. And before you drop her off at her house you aren't giving her a kiss. Instead you are holding her hands and praying for her. Praying that she will continue to remain in God's love and for spiritual protection over her. This is just a glimpse of what God is showing you in your future relationship and it is going to be so wonderful and amazing. So don't settle for just any girl or any relationship. Keep seeking God and keep loving Him and loving others even those whom you find hard to love. Take these word's as a hope for a healthy, godly, and true relationship that you will have. Be patient as you wait. She is also waiting!

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