Friday, December 11, 2009

are you for sure now?

We are like raindrops. We fall away from heaven and splash on this world full of stuff. Full of media and crap, full of deceit and honor, full of love and beauty. Some of us end up staying on this earth. And some end up in the sky, apart from this world. But one day the Son of God will come back in all of His glory, and whether you are attached to the ground or in the sky, every knee will bow to Him and every tongue will swear allegiance.

God see's that you are making excuses about this and that. Before it was "I just accepted Jesus, I'm still a young believer." "It's gonna take time" "I'm having doubts" "I don't have as much faith as other people." But know your struggles has become an excuse to get you out of conviction and out of work. You have become lazy in your walk with God and your relationship with Him is slowly sliding away. It's time to make a choice of whether you want in or not. If you don't even really want this, then stop pretending in front of people that you do. But if you want in, then make that choice and start to follow Him and obey Him- no turning back, give your all this time. It doesn't mean you aren't going to have struggles or temptations, and it doesn't mean you're not going to stumble and disobey God at times. But it does mean that your heart is pointed towards Heaven and that you have given it to Jesus.
I know things are hard for you right now but you are a prince and princess of the King of Kings. You have the same Spirit that raised Jesus Christ from the dead! That same Spirit lives inside of you. You have power and authority over satan and you are called to trample over him. God will crush satan under your feet and He will make satan a footstool for you. Get up! Pick up your sword and shield and start fighting alongside with Jesus. You are royalty! You have destiny! You are going to shape history!

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