Sunday, August 9, 2009

my first blog

So I started my first blog! I started this blog because I feel that God wants to use me to speak to other people. And if you're reading this, you're not reading it by accident but because God wants to show you something and it will affect you in someway. I can blog about me going to the bathroom and running out of toilet paper or how I had a headache in the morning, but what I write is what I feel God wants me to write to you.

Last night I had the chance to play for the worship team at the Agape church in Pomona. I thought it was going to be just a regular typical worship service. But it was actually a closing ceremony for the youths there. They just finished a two week training/ evangelizing event and last night was to congratulate them. And there were about 35 youths who went through the two weeks of encountering God and reaching out to people around the cities. Seven hundred and eighty. That is how many souls were saved during the past two weeks! How awesome is that! But the most crazy part to me was that the youngest in that youth group was only 12. She was definitely nervous and afraid but she still obeyed Jesus' great commission especially his first word. GO. And that's what I feel: that so many followers of God know the bible and His commandments. But so many fail to just go and seek the lost and to pour out Love to those dying of depression and hopelessness.

I know you are going through something that is scarring your heart. And the pain sometimes seem unbearable. But God really wants you to know that your relationship with your father is hurting Him as much as it is hurting you. And He does not want you to take this pain on yourself. The things you are turning to won't give you security or true love. He's crying out to you to come back to Him. He is desperate for you and you will know soon. Because He is going to reveal His crazy Love upon you in such a way that you will fall to your knees and cry out to Him. He is in love with you and he wants you to be in love with Him.

"And the Lord saieth unto thee, 'Go, and tell her that I love her: Stand up my daughter. Your daddy is here'."

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