Wednesday, December 23, 2009

something new

It's so hard, I mean love, not life. You can have life and not have love but you cannot have love without life. Because to really live is to love and to really love is to live. Everyone choice you make there are two things that happen. The first is that whatever choice you make will speak of your allegiance and alignment with God or satan. And the second is that your decision will either bring you closer or further away from God. Whether the situation is big or small, these things will result from whatever choice you make. And it is so hard to see which decision is best especially when it comes to love. Love with God, first love, falling in love, love with bestfriends. Because with love, reasoning begins to fade and emotions, feelings, and hearts begin to dominate the ground. So now, not only do you have to juggle with your emotions and feelings but also with your faith and relationship with God. And we start to think and ponder on countless questions about different situations concerning love. "I like this girl but should I wait? What am I suppose to do God? Well I really feel like this. But how does she feel? What does God want me to do right now? Am I ready? God, do you think I'm ready? God are you still listening?..." And sometimes you think about these things and end up putting them aside and continuing on with whatever you are doing. And sometimes you just can't stop thinking about these things. I don't know if Adam and Eve had the same kind of problem or struggle back in the garden. And there are so many more questions and different scenarios that you make up in your imaginative mind. Like you meeting the perfect guy at some romantic place and you two start to attend the same bible study group and can fill in the rest. Ponder, and think, and imagine what it would be like in the future. And then you look at where you are at right now and can't wait for that moment. You see all these things passing on around you, people getting together, marrying, having a family, and sometimes you feel alone and behind. Media has set a standard for you and has given you a guideline on how to do love and relationships. And you might have gotten past that and thrown this whole media influence aside and placed God's way of love and doing relationship before your life. But it can still be so hard sometimes just in waiting and hoping to meet someone. Because after all that's what we are made for. To be with someone and to be with God. We weren't made to be alone. But more questions, more thinking, more pondering, more imagining...

But He did everything that needed to be done. To the last drop of His precious blood, He hung on the tree. As we stand on a broken bridge over a raging sea, He held it up as He died on the cross.
Love encountered the cross so that through the cross we may encounter love.

You might still struggle with the waiting and how you view relationships and your love with God. You probably want more than just "pray about it. Read the bible." You probably want more of a three point guideline on how to do love and how to not feel so lonely as you wait. And you probably have figured out by now that I don't have any advice for you. But I do believe that God has just told you what you need to do right now, whatever it is. Whether it is to pray, to read the bible, to talk about it with someone else. God has just put in you new love. And this love is pointing at what is going to come for you--to meet a beautiful warrior-bride or a godly man who is madly in Love with Jesus. This new refreshing joy and love that you feel right now is just a hint of what has yet to come. God is just showing you a piece of what He has in store for you!

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