Sunday, November 29, 2009


Lately at church I've been talking about the true meaning and purpose of Jesus' ministry while He was on earth. Why He did the things He did like teaching at the synagogues, healing the sick, challenging the Pharisees, teaching the word of God, and even dying on the cross. And it was all because He wanted to show that He and the Father was and is real and that more importantly His Love for His creation and children is real. And so Jesus told the disciples of how they saw what He did and why He came and told them to do the same. Somewhere along the next two thousand years the word Christian has become that to describe someone who believes in God, one who reads the Bible, one who attends church, or one who does good things. All these are great and do describe a Christian. But there is something missing. Just as prophesying and understanding all the mysteries but have not loved is like a bunch of noise with no meaning or life, all these descriptions about Christianity are good but without the most important element's just religion. I know many people across the country say that it's all about a relationship with God and that is definitely true. It is about a person's relationship with God. But if all we do is talk about loving God and God's love for us, and if all we do is feel amazed by His everlasting and cray love, but we walk around the homeless, look away from the broken and lost, and keep our love closed when those whom we find hard to love stand before us...then we are definitely missing something. In first John it talks about how we can't see God physically but we do feel His love when we love others.

I always had this thought that I could just get away from all these people and their worldly influence on me and just feel God's love. But I realized that it is the very people that God places in my life whether they are hateful, loving, slanderous, honest, outgoing, shy, humble, proud, or whatever it is, that God will use to show His love to me through these people. When I choose to not gossip about someone, God's love is made complete in me. When I choose to talk to the homosexual and pray for them, God's love is being shown. When I choose to see a girl as God's daughter and a princess of the King of Kings, God's love is being poured out.
Our hearts are like a cup that can be filled with God's perfect Love. And when we ask Him to fill us with His love, He can pour it into our cups. God can definitely fill our cups directly from Him. But here's the thing: God loves to fill a person's cup using the love He poured in another person's cup. If there was a person who was broken and depressed and he really needs the Love of God, God can obviously pour out His love over that person. But He would rather have another person's cup who is filled with His love, and pour that perfect love into the cup of the broken and depressed.

And this is what a Christian is all about. Receiving God's love and having an intimate relationship with Him. And then go out and start pouring this love that is in our cups into those who need it. And the crazy thing is that this love never runs out! Every time you pour out some Love from your cup into someone else, the Love that's in your cup fills up even more. It's like a candle. Just because you give some of your fire to someone else doesn't mean you lose some. God is calling out a people to show His love and to walk in His love, not just to talk about it and understand it.

Stop talking about Jesus' Love.
Let's start to walk in His Love and to live in His LOVE!

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