Monday, August 24, 2009

if you can?!

I was just reading a passage from Mark 9 about the healing of a boy with an evil spirit. So Jesus sees a man arguing with the disciples because the man's son is possessed by an evil spirit and the disciples couldn't drive the spirit out. Jesus tells them to bring the boy to him and so they do. As soon as the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion (basically like a seizure) and the boy fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth. Jesus asked the boy's father, "How long has he been like this?" The man told Jesus, "From childhood. It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us." I found Jesus' reply pretty funny. Jesus said, " 'If you can'?! Everything is possible for him who believes." I can just see Jesus' expression. He's probably saying in his mind 'Of course I can do anything! Who do you think I am?' But this next part really stood out to me. Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" And the story goes on and Jesus casts the spirit out.
When Jesus told the man that everything is possible if he believes, the man's response was a desperate one. One of faith and trust and also love. He puts his faith in Jesus and says "I do believe" But then he puts his trust in Jesus and asks him to help him overcome his unbelief. See, the man knew that in his heart there was unbelief in Jesus power. Yet the man was willing to ask Jesus for help. It shows that he has a hungry, desperate and humble heart for Jesus. He didn't say "I do believe, but only if you heal my son first." This guy was totally desiring Jesus' love because he realized that he really didn't have a trusting relationship with Jesus.

Are you like this man who is desperate for God and wants him to help you overcome your unbelief?

Friday, August 21, 2009

a rush of blessing

I was in the bathroom last week and I got this revelation from God. Ha ha yeah, weird place to get a revelation. But it was so awesome. It just jumped into my head and all of a sudden I get this crazy idea to plan an event for my church. And there were so many different ideas and activities God showed me and I know it's just going to be an amazing event where God will totally change lives and transform the hearts of those who are hungry for Him.

Today I went to the weekly prayer meeting I always go to. And we decided a few weeks ago that we're going to go to Mt Sac college to evangelize and pour out God's love to His people. So we met up at a church to pray before we went out. And I felt so much peace as we were praying. Just the feeling of being loved by the God of the makes my heart smile. And God is so funny sometimes. Just the things he does with people who are willing to be used by him. We went over to the college but since class doesn't start until next week, we just went around and prayed. And we poured out blessings over the place. The first thing I cam upon was the blue emergency post with the blue light on top. I blessed it and God showed me this girl who is like being chased by someone and is running to this emergency post. But the thing she was running away from wasn't just a guy, it was like all these things and problems and conflicts in her life. Its consuming her and eating her away and she just wants to find some hope because she's in a spiritual emergency.
And then I prayed over the stair rail and the hallway on the second floor. I prayed that when people touch it and walk through it, they will suddenly feel this peace and awakening from God. But the crazy thing was that right after I prayed over the hallway, I felt this sudden pull from God and He told me 'green sign, healing.' And so I left the hallway to search for a green sign. In that whole area there was only one green sign. So I knew it was the one. The sign was on a door so I prayed over it. I prayed that God will send His healing upon that door and the mat I was standing on. It was so strong and I was so certain that this was what God wanted that I knew for sure that the next person who walks through that door will be healed of any pain or sickness or disease. If that person is in a wheel chair, he will get up and walk. If he is mute, he will speak and if he has cancer, it will be destroyed in Jesus' name.

I guess you have to be that crazy to go out to a college at nine at night where there is not a single person, only to walk around and pray over things like a chair or a telephone booth or even a vending machine. Why would someone do something like that? Pray that a tree will be blessed or that a drinking fountain will be filled with healing. Who would seriously do something like that? I guess we're just so in love with God that we're willing to do some pretty crazy things for him. A guy left his bible there because he had faith that God will use that bible to touch some one's life. A pool was prayed over because there was faith that God will heal the relationships of the next man who swims in that water. You'll never know what God wants you to do. Whether to just go to church and pray or leave all your stuff and just take the next flight to the middle of no where and wait for a guy wearing red with a black cap to come by because you're suppose to pray for him. But are you so hungry for God that you'll do whatever it takes to encounter His love? Are you that desperate for His love that you are willing to give up everything you have and follow Him? The world doesn't need more jobs or more money. They don't need medicine or education or a better place to live. This world needs the Love of their creator. Are you that in Love with God that you are so desperate to reach out and love those around you? Will you die trying to save your life, or will you die trying to save a life of someone else?

I feel that you're trying to run away from God. Despite all the signs and voices around you, you still ignore them. And it's because of what happened at your church. You feel separated and distant now. And you feel that you don't belong there anymore because you think you have been abandoned. That God didn't come through for you. But He doesn't want you to run from Him anymore. He sees that your heart is broken and that your feet are sore from walking. He wants you to run back to Him so He can hold you in His arms again. The pain you feel and the constant trampling over your emotions, He wants to heal. God just showed me a star. I asked God why He showed me that. And He said that you're like a star. And He wants you the shine bright again and burn with a passion and Love for Him and for others. And not only that, but that your light will guide others to His amazing Love. For so long you have been a dim star slowly fading away. But God doesn't want that. He sees you as His bright and shining daughter. The God who created trillions of stars also created you. And He loves you with everything that He has. Turn back to Him when you hear your name being called by Him.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

my first blog

So I started my first blog! I started this blog because I feel that God wants to use me to speak to other people. And if you're reading this, you're not reading it by accident but because God wants to show you something and it will affect you in someway. I can blog about me going to the bathroom and running out of toilet paper or how I had a headache in the morning, but what I write is what I feel God wants me to write to you.

Last night I had the chance to play for the worship team at the Agape church in Pomona. I thought it was going to be just a regular typical worship service. But it was actually a closing ceremony for the youths there. They just finished a two week training/ evangelizing event and last night was to congratulate them. And there were about 35 youths who went through the two weeks of encountering God and reaching out to people around the cities. Seven hundred and eighty. That is how many souls were saved during the past two weeks! How awesome is that! But the most crazy part to me was that the youngest in that youth group was only 12. She was definitely nervous and afraid but she still obeyed Jesus' great commission especially his first word. GO. And that's what I feel: that so many followers of God know the bible and His commandments. But so many fail to just go and seek the lost and to pour out Love to those dying of depression and hopelessness.

I know you are going through something that is scarring your heart. And the pain sometimes seem unbearable. But God really wants you to know that your relationship with your father is hurting Him as much as it is hurting you. And He does not want you to take this pain on yourself. The things you are turning to won't give you security or true love. He's crying out to you to come back to Him. He is desperate for you and you will know soon. Because He is going to reveal His crazy Love upon you in such a way that you will fall to your knees and cry out to Him. He is in love with you and he wants you to be in love with Him.

"And the Lord saieth unto thee, 'Go, and tell her that I love her: Stand up my daughter. Your daddy is here'."