Monday, May 3, 2010

You give and take away

"The ignorance of history has led Americans to become a selfish culture." This is my thesis statement for my English essay. As I was thinking more about it, I was led to write this blog about how the ignorance of who God is has led Christians to become a selfish people.

Is there a sense of awe and reverent fear of God? Do we even know Him anymore? God is all powerful and everything that has been created is His. Satan is only alive because God allowed him to be. He is only allowed to tempt a person as far as God allows him to. We are only alive because God gave us life. We are only able to receive what God has given to us. Yet what to we do? We act like everything we have and own is ours. Our cars, job, house, friends, family, and even our own lives.
God is such a good creator that he knows what we, as humans, need to survive: food, clothes, water, shelter. In fact He is such a good God that he even gave us things beyond our minimal needs. He gave us love, hope, plans to prosper us and to give us a future and hope, a church, desires, grace, and so on. Yet we can become so arrogant and tell God how come He hasn't given us this or that. In fact we go even further and say that all these things we have is ours and we become angry at God when He takes our things, which really is all His, away. Our God gives and He takes away. Who are we to tell God that what he is doing is wrong.
And that is when Christianity(a follower of Christ), becomes religions(a follower of our lives), something we attach to our lives in order to benefit us.
If we had this understanding that God is all powerful and that everything that exists is His, we become humble and selfless. When God takes things away like a job, or a loved one, or our money, we are able to continue to glorify Him in everything thing that we do. We are able to worship Him as our God despite whatever circumstances we are in.