Sunday, January 10, 2010

I asked You

I asked You for some water. You gave me the ocean.

I asked You for a light meal. You gave me a feast.

I asked You for a flashlight. You gave me the sun.

I asked You for a song. You gave me Heaven's symphony.

I asked You for a little strength. You gave me a faith that can move mountains.

I asked You for more time. You gave me eternity.

I asked You a simple question. You gave me 1,189 chapters in 66 books.

I asked You to protect me. You defeated satan.

I asked You to visit me. You sent ten angels to my room.

I asked You to come a bit closer. You came inside of me.

I asked You for a girl/boy. You gave me a bride/groom.

I asked You to accept my apology. You sacrificed Your son.

I asked You for the house keys. You gave me the keys to Heaven.

I asked You for a little more power. You gave me full authority over my enemies.

I asked You for life. You gave me Your life.

I asked You for some help. You gave me a miracle.

I asked You for a band-aid. You healed my iniquities.

I asked You... You gave me more...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wedding Day

At a wedding ceremony, the bride wears all white because it symbolizes purity. She would not wear other colors like black or gray or orange because other colors symbolize other things. Green can symbolize life and also greed. Black for evil or darkness. Red for love or lust. And of course there are weddings where people dress wildly and out of the ordinary like wearing rainbow colors or having a wedding underwater. But a bride generally wears white because of what it symbolizes--purity. It means that she has been pure till the day she becomes one with her groom. And she wouldn't wear a torn up or a dirtied gown. Nor would she wake up in the morning of the wedding day and go straight to the aisle without fixing her hair, putting on her makeup, and making sure she looks perfectly wonderful and beautiful for her groom.

You are Jesus' bride. And one day He will come back with all His glory and all the angels to be with His bride. But looking back at the year 2009, what color do you think your gown was. Was it wrinkled and dirtied with gossip, jealousy, and deceit? Did you wake up in the morning and spent so much of your time preparing for that moment when you will walk down the aisle, just as you would prepare and invest your entire life for eternity? Was your gown red with lust or green with greed?

When you accept Jesus into your life, God doesn't see you as a sinner anymore. Not saying that you don't fall into sin anymore, but that the blood of Jesus now covers you and God sees you as holy and set apart for His glory. Though we still make mistakes as Christians, God still forgives us and still sees us as His children.
I'm not saying we should stop watching movies, or hanging with our friends, or do homework. But if Jesus came back right now, do you w
ant to be doing what you are doing now? In other words, is what you are doing bringing glory to God or taking glory away from Him? And are you living in expectancy and with great hope for the coming of your groom?

When Jesus comes back, I want Him to say to me, "Surprise! Our wedding is today! Wow you look so beautiful! I know you made mistakes and stumbled but you were still using your life and your heart in preparing for me!"